Andrew McCoy in the PA 78 Infantry Regiment, Co. E:

78th Pennsylvania Regiment

78th Pennsylvania Regiment

Notes on Andrew McCoy’s service with the 78th “Gallant” Pa Infantry, Co. E:

(Copied from G–tes Vol. II -Printed 1869- On 8-1-64 from Gettysburg-Penn Vol. History)

Andrew McCoy, Co. E -3rd Term- Sept 10, 1861

Mustered out Nov. 4, 1864- Inf. Battle of Vicksburg, Miss.

Both Vicksburg- Gettysburg were fought and won at the same time.

Recruited at Clairton*, PA uncer Col. William Sirwell.

Moved 14 Oct. 1861 from Camp Orr to Pittsburgh, PA

On Oct 18th, 1861 the Regiment accompanied by 77th-79th and Muhler’s Battery under commond of Brig. General James S. Negley, moved by transport to Louisville, Kentucky.

Drilled on South side of Nolin Creek at Franklin, Alabama and Tennessee.

The regiment returned to Nashville on the 17th of Oct. six days after term expired, on following day received orders from Maj. Gen. Thomas releiving Reg. from duty at Kittaning Nov. 4, 1864, swept the Rebel army from Tennesee finally out, Sept. 11, 1865.

*Should read “Clarion County” according to Civil War history.

(received from Barbara Black Withers (image)11/22/99)


From Sierra Generations Civil War Muster Rolls CD:




78 Pennsylvania Infantry.

Rank In:


Rank Out:


National Archives Microfilm Box, Roll, and Record:

000554, 0078, 00003494

Fought for: (U = Union, C = Confederate)


National Archives Record

National Archives Record